giant panda

giant panda [ˈdʒaiənt ˈpændə]  [ˈdʒaɪənt ˈpændə] 

giant panda 基本解释
giant panda 相关例句


1. Giant pandas are indigenous to China.

giant panda 网络解释

giant panda在线翻译

1. 大熊猫:认为它 不是熊而是与小熊猫相似的另一种熊猫,为了区别先後在亚洲发现的 两种熊猫,他将1825年在喜马拉雅发现的熊猫叫作小 熊猫(LittlePanda)或红熊猫(red panda),而把~戴维~在四川宝兴 发现的熊猫叫~大熊猫~(Giant panda)或猫熊(Cat b

2. 大貓熊:以及物种、族群及其栖地的域内(In Situ) 保存,进行「整合式保育」(Integrated Conservation)从世界动物园暨水族馆保育方略(WZACS)了解动物园与水族馆的保育角色-上因为大猫熊(Giant panda)团团、圆圆来台,霎时间掀起一阵猫熊旋风,

3. 大熊猫(干麻要'大:MONGOOSE 蒙哥 | GIANT PANDA 大熊猫(干麻要'大'?) | SLOTH 树懒

4. 大熊猫属:熊猫亚科 Pandas | 大熊猫属 Giant panda | 大熊猫 Giant panda

giant panda 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Black made a dramatic Cannes entrance by boat, then strolled down a pier among 40 people inside giant panda suits.

2. Though the sheer number of finless porpoises is already smaller than that of giant panda, the species is under only Grade II conservation category in China.

3. giant panda的翻译

3. Free ticket holders can visit many of the attractions in the city at no cost, including the Dujiangyan Dam and the Giant Panda Breeding Center.

4. They reported the finding to the China Wolong Giant Panda Protection Research Center in the province.

5. Workers at the Fuzhou Giant Panda Research Center move one of the bears to a cooler spot yesterday.

6. giant panda的翻译

6. The two pandas offered to Taiwan were picked from 11 animals at the Wolong Giant Panda Research Centre in the southwestern province of Sichuan.

7. giant panda的翻译

7. Nowhere exemplifies the change for modernity more than Chengdu Giant Panda Research Base and Breeding Institute.

8. A preliminary checkup showed the giant panda weighed 75 kilos and was more scared than wounded.

9. They just come to see giant pandas at the Chengdu Research Center, the only panda breeding center in the world within the borders of a metropolis.

10. giant panda在线翻译

10. The female gave birth to a male panda last year after living with Gao Gao, which was considered a significant contribution to the population of giant pandas.

giant panda 英英释义

giant panda


1. large black-and-white herbivorous mammal of bamboo forests of China and Tibet
    in some classifications considered a member of the bear family or of a separate family Ailuropodidae

    Synonym: panda panda bear coon bear Ailuropoda melanoleuca
