
ghat [gɑ:t]  [ɡɔt, ɡɑt] 

ghat 基本解释
ghat 网络解释

1. 石梯:瓦纳纳西,这块老地方就是印度超过8亿印度信徒的精神灵魂之所,千千万万的印度信徒不辞劳苦从四面八方来到此地,以求通过恒河晨浴来洗脱其一生的罪孽,以及在石梯(Ghat)上焚化送别自己的爱人亲人们.

2. 石阶码头:geyser 间歇喷泉 | ghat 石阶码头 | ghatti 轧的树胶

3. [印度] 河边的石阶/山脉/山路:ghastliness /死人般的/恐怖的/糟透的/ | ghat /[印度] 河边的石阶/山脉/山路/ | ghaut /[印度] 河边的石阶/山脉/山路/

4. 火葬場:Gestapo [納粹德國的秘密警察組織]蓋世太保 | Ghat 火葬場 | GHQ 總司令部,統

ghat 双语例句

1. Then he spoke slowly, but I could not undrstand him. My teacher never spoke English like ghat!


2. We were coming down on the ghat road and suddenly the driver lost control of the bus at a 90 degree turn.

3. No sooner did I see the Kaliyadaman Ghat than a divine emotion surged up within me.
    我一看见Kaliyadaman Ghat,一种神圣的情感就汹涌而来。

4. This, Mr. David, is the biggest dhobi ghat in the whole of India.


5. One story says ghat a young peincess was drinking tea in hea garden and watching the silkworms spin cocoons.


6. Does 9 Shanghai subway numbers lines Guilin road stand or ought to which public transit to have around ghat station?


7. The passers-by wept as the body was taken to the cremation ground at the Baranagore Ghat on the Ganges.
    当遗体被运送到恒河Baranagore Ghat火葬场的时候,路人都流着眼泪。


8. The passengers saw in front of them the bathing-ghat and the chandni.

9. Once I saw a devotee of the Divine Mother at the bathing-ghat on the Ganges.


10. At the Manikarnika Ghat, the great cremation ground of the city, he actually saw Siva, with ash-covered body and tawny matted hair, serenely approaching each funeral pyre and breathing into the ears of the corpses the mantra of liberation; and then the Divine Mother removing from the dead their bonds.

ghat 英英释义



1. stairway in India leading down to a landing on the water
