get up to

get up to [ɡet ʌp tu:]  [ɡɛt ʌp tu] 

get up to 基本解释
get up to 网络解释

get up to的近义词

1. 赶上;胜过;读到:get together 聚集;会面;装配 | get up to 赶上;胜过;读到 | get up 起床;爬上;达到

2. 到达;赶上:get up 起床;站起;举办;安排;化装;打扮 | get up to 到达;赶上 | give away 背弃;出卖;泄露;散掉,给掉(钱财)

3. 干坏事;乱闹:get sth ready 准备好 | get up to 干坏事;乱闹 | get over 克服 ;(从病中)恢复过来

4. 达到, 得到:* instead: 代替, 一般放在句尾, 如: | * get up to: 达到, 得到 | * minute news: latest news, 最新新闻.

get up to 单语例句

1. So online vendors buy postcards and line up to get the stamps, especially around Valentine's Day.

2. get up to

2. So while tidying up your act won't make you a better employee, it will mean you get to go home on time.

3. Juan Mata had to move to Valencia to get first team football and recently received a call up to the Spain national squad.

4. Mamani and his neighbors must walk for blocks to two public taps to get water and then carry it back up the hill.

5. It's tradition for high school classmates to get together during the Spring Festival over a big dinner or party to catch up with old friends.

6. It took a month of painstaking efforts to get Mama Chimp to give up the fags after 16 years.

7. get up to

7. It caused headaches for locals who just want to clean up, or get on with life after the floods.

8. We should climb up there to get fresh air, getting refreshed before plunging ourselves back into the rigors of everyday life.

9. There is also a petting zoo that is usually a hit with the kids, allowing them to get up close with the wildlife.

10. get up to

10. Some climbed on roofs or up trees to get a view of the coffin as it was borne through Yaounde.
