get in with

get in with [ɡet in wið]  [ɡɛt ɪn wɪð] 

get in with 基本解释
get in with 网络解释

1. 参加,加入;与...交往:get hold of 一把抓住;掌握;得到 | get in with 参加,加入;与...交往 | get in 收获;收(税等抵达

2. 与某人交往:get in trouble 惹上麻烦 | get in with 与某人交往 | get in 进入

3. 驶近:get in touch with 向...接触 | get in with 驶近 | get in 驶进去;进入

4. [口]与...交往 参加; 加入:get into 进入 穿上陷入 染上(习惯学会结交(酒劲)冲脑 | get in with [口]与...交往参加 加入 | get it 了解, 懂得挨骂受处分

get in with 单语例句

1. get in with的意思

1. Internet chatrooms are buzzing with tips on where to get a glimpse of Obama although his itinerary in Shanghai has yet to be confirmed.

2. get in with

2. Analysts are divided on the government's effort to get closer with China's reality by adjusting the weight of home price in CPI.


3. But one of the biggest problems she faced was within the university itself, in attempting to get exempted from several subjects that overlapped with her Canadian degree.

4. Ten stadiums in nine South African cities are set to host the 2010 soccer extravaganza, with Cape Town hoping to get one of the semifinal matches.

5. With the code and ID card, passengers can get their tickets in railway stations or ticket agencies.

6. With the code and ID card at hand, the traveller can get his ticket from wickets in railway stations or ticket agencies.

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7. In caveman days, being good with a club was one way to get a mate.

8. Zhang was charged with 19 counts of taking cash and property bribes in return for helping people get loans from CCB.

9. They get away with such criminal acts because migrant workers are the weakest link in the economic chain.

10. Assistant Chief Constable Terry Sweeney says there may be more victims of such exploitation and appealed for them to get in touch with police.
