get around to

get around to [ɡet əˈraund tu:]  [ɡɛt əˈraʊnd tu] 

get around to 基本解释
get around to 网络解释

get around to的反义词

1. 找时间做,开始考虑:get along 过活;相处融洽;进展 | get around to 找时间做,开始考虑 | get around 规避(法律等走动

2. 找时间做:71. take it out on sb. 拿某人出气 | 72. get around to 找时间做 | 73. put out 使不安,使不高兴

3. 抽时间做:get along without 没有......也行 | get around to 抽时间做...... | get at 想说......,意思是......

4. 抽出时间(做某事),考虑(某事):582 attach缚上, 系上, 贴上 | 583 get around to抽出时间(做某事),考虑(某事) | 584 dip into 稍加研究

get around to 单语例句

1. So online vendors buy postcards and line up to get the stamps, especially around Valentine's Day.

2. But the researchers at Pennsylvania State University were able to get around these problems by chemically modifying elements of the reactor.

3. Some gamers can always manage to come up with some tricks and loopholes to get around restrictions.

4. And traditionally high petrol prices in Europe are an incentive to get out the old bike for short trips around compact German towns.


5. To get around the long waiting lists at many New York adoption agencies, many couples advertise themselves directly to mothers through classified ads and websites.

6. Property developers will be banned from converting new commercial spaces into residential apartments, a major target for speculators looking to get around the price cooling measures.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. Troops were deployed to help people get out and to throw up a security cordon around the stricken area.

8. Zhang and his companions tried to put out small fires around seriously injured passengers and quickly helped those with minor injuries get out of danger.

9. But the policies would cover more medical services, and around half of people could get government subsidies to defray the extra costs.

10. get around to的翻译

10. To get a ticket home around the traditional Chinese lunar new year is not easy.

get around to 英英释义


1. do something despite obstacles such as lack of time

    e.g. He finally got around to painting the windows
