germ cell

germ cell [dʒə:m sel]  [dʒɚm sɛl] 

germ cell 基本解释
germ cell 网络解释

germ cell的反义词

1. 生殖细胞:[编辑本段]生殖细胞和受精 (一)生殖细胞 生殖细胞(germ cell)又称起配子(gamete),包括精子和卵子,均为单倍体细胞,即仅有23条染色钵,其中一条是性染色体.

2. 生殖细胞,胚细胞:germ 病菌,病原菌;胚,胚芽,胚原基 | germ cell 生殖细胞,胚细胞 | germ line 细胞系,种系

3. 生精细胞:脱胚玉米:maize without germ | 生精细胞:germ cell | 筛选:High-quality germ plasmids

germ cell 单语例句


1. Before that deadline, the germ cell is not considered to be a human life.

2. germ cell

2. When cloning involves a human, scientists inject DNA into a germ cell in which the nucleolus has been deleted.

3. After transferring stem cells, scientists kill the germ cell before it has grown 14 days.

4. The researchers say that such in vitro reconstitution of germ cell development represents one of the most fundamental challenges in biology.

germ cell 英英释义


1. germ cell的翻译

1. a spermatozoon or an ovum
    a cell responsible for transmitting DNA to the next generation

    Synonym: reproductive cell sex cell
