1. 一般货物:三、载运转口货物入境之运输工具负责人或由其委托之运输工具所属业者,应於进口货物舱单以转口货物申报并依格式报明各栏. 但除下列各款应据实详细申报货物名称或税则号别前六码外,其他货物得以一般货物(GENERAL CARGO)统称申报:
2. 普通货物:(1)普通货物(General Cargo)一般通称为百杂货,是指不需要用特殊方法进行装卸和保管、可按件计数的货物. 其特点是批量不大,单价较高,具有较强的运费负担能力,经常用定期船运输.
3. 普通货:general average共同海损 | general cargo普通货 | general cargo rate一般货物运费率
1. Currently the cost of fuel accounts for 40 percent of road transportation firms'general cost, and 25 to 35 percent for those firms transporting cargo on water.
2. South Zone of Harbor Economic Area is developing equipment manufacture and transport of general cargo.
3. Statistics show that the general aviation sector is larger than scheduled passenger and cargo services sector.
4. General aviation refers to flights other than military and scheduled airline and regular cargo flights, both private and commercial.