
gauze [gɔ:z]  [ɡɔz] 

gauze 基本解释

名词薄纱; 纱网; 纱布(包扎伤口用); (金属丝制的)网纱

gauze 网络解释

1. 纱布:针织或梭织布料加涂层或者人造塑料原料涂层,内含微粒子. 棉纱布(Gauze),幅宽小于150公分. 聚四氟乙烯(Polytetrafluoroethylene)梭织布料. 聚乙烯醇(Polyvinyl alcohol)梭织布料,用于机器刺绣. 2、纱线产品 合成纺织纤维纱,

2. 金属丝网:gauge box 量斗 | gauze 金属丝网 | gazette plan 宪报图

3. 薄纱:gaucher's disease 高歇病 | gauze 薄纱 | gavage 管饲法

4. 罗:etched-out georgette烂花乔其纱 | gauze罗 | hangzhou silk gauze杭罗

gauze 词典解释

1. gauze的解释

1. 薄纱;纱布
    Gauze is a type of light, soft cloth with tiny holes in it.

    e.g. Strain the juice through a piece of gauze or a sieve.

gauze 单语例句

1. A roll of gauze was left in a patient's chest for 13 years by careless doctors during surgery.

2. Other key items include wound dressings such as gauze bandages and compresses as well as a clinical thermometer and tweezers.

3. After the wine is boiled, they used a piece of gauze to filter the wine.

4. Parents can use gauze and special fingertip style toothpaste, which is available at specialized children's stores.


5. There is comfortable wood and leather furniture, oil paintings and gauze curtains.

6. He also posted a picture of his injured wrist wrapped in gauze.

7. Relatives accompanied by nurses picked their way along row after row of stretchers, holding handkerchieves or gauze masks to their faces against the stench.

8. Chai even puts his nose close to the burns, when he makes rounds through wards packed with patients in gauze bandages.

9. On each side are plush private rooms with comfy couches and gauze curtains, which can be drawn for greater privacy.


10. Wang was overjoyed to see all the doctors and nurses who rescued her life for the first time without gauze face masks.

gauze 英英释义



1. gauze

1. a net of transparent fabric with a loose open weave

    Synonym: netting veiling

2. (medicine) bleached cotton cloth of plain weave used for bandages and dressings

    Synonym: gauze bandage
