1. 阁楼:1982年,戴斯孟德取得著名色情杂志<<阁楼>>(Garret)英国版的出版权. 1993年初,戴斯孟德决心把生意做大,他模仿当时市场上非常流行的一本名人杂志<
2. 加勒特:1908年,伯克霍夫和M.格拉费(Grafius)小姐结婚,她是一位有名的贤妻良母.伯克霍夫一生的成就在很大程度上依赖于夫人对他事业的理解和鼓励,他们的儿子加勒特(Garret)后来也成为著名的数学家.芝加哥的E.H.穆尔(Moore)教授和哈佛的M.博歇教授都是伯克霍夫的良师.但是,
3. 屋顶层:garnet paper 石榴石粉砂纸 | garret 屋顶层 | garret beam 顶楼梁
1. 阁楼;顶层小屋
A garret is a small room at the top of a house.
1. garret
1. The Buddhist Scriptures Garret is located at the highest of the axis of main buildings.
2. The Sharks are having trials with Garret Siler, a college senior who played in this year's summer league for the Minnesota Timberwolves.
3. At least three other times residents rejected new names, including Garret Mountain in 2001.