
garbage [ˈgɑ:bɪdʒ]  [ˈgɑ:rbɪdʒ] 


garbage 基本解释

名词垃圾; 脏东西; 丢弃的食物; 无用的数据

garbage 相关例句


1. In her home, garbage was fed to the pigs.

2. He talked a lot of garbage on the subject.

garbage 网络解释


1. 无用信息:作为另一选择,假如get_user无法读取内存位置,无用信息(garbage)可能在value里结束并且数值可能会不正确的被抛弃. 在此情况里,调用程序将得到一个EINVAL错误而不是EFAULT错误,这只是一个小缺陷(bug).

2. 垃圾合唱团:虽然有个超有名的太太,但盖文在这张专辑里并没有请太太跨刀,反而请来了垃圾合唱团(Garbage)的主唱Shirl熊黛林 日前,某品牌以香港为第一站举行巡回展览,昨午率先举行首场时装秀,并由熊黛林、刘丹、杜鹃、戴小奕以及多位外籍模特儿演绎数十套华衣美服.

garbage 词典解释

1. 垃圾;(尤指)厨房垃圾
    Garbage is rubbish, especially waste from a kitchen.

    e.g. ...a garbage bag.
    e.g. ...rotting piles of garbage.

2. 废话;无聊话
    If someone says that an idea or opinion is garbage, they are emphasizing that they believe it is untrue or unimportant.

    e.g. I personally think this is complete garbage...
    e.g. Furious government officials branded her story 'garbage'.

In American English, the words garbage and trash are most commonly used to refer to waste material that is thrown away. ...the smell of rotting garbage... She threw the bottle into the trash. In British English, rubbish is the usual word. Garbage and trash are sometimes used in British English, but only informally and metaphorically. I don't have to listen to this garbage... The book was trash.
在美国英语中,garbage和trash最常用来指丢弃的废物:the smell of rotting garbage (腐烂垃圾的臭味), She threw the bottle into the trash (她将瓶子扔进了垃圾堆)。在英国英语中,rubbish 比较常用,有时也使用 garbage 和 trash,但仅限于非正式语体和比喻用法:I don't have to listen to this garbage (我不需要听这些废话), The book was trash (这本书简直是垃圾)。
garbage 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. There is a pressing need for effective waste reduction by means of a garbage disposal fee.

2. garbage的反义词

2. Zhang lived mainly by selling small things like beverages and fly swatters, as well as by collecting garbage after his retirement.

3. For more than 15 days now none of the garbage and recycling units that dot most street corners in Canada's largest city have been emptied.

4. Zhang said his bureau is seeking closer cooperation with the local sport administration to make it mandatory for mountaineers to carry back their own garbage.


5. Appa said most climbers carry down garbage such as food packages, empty oxygen tanks and rope but leave behind human waste.

6. Due to the cluttered housing distribution and chaotic garbage management, the Lugu Lake was once heavily troubled with sewage problems reported on CCTV in 2004.

7. As Beijing's key city project to help treat its daily garbage, the center was built in 2002 outside the Fifth Ring Road in Chaoyang district.

8. garbage的反义词

8. The effect is being felt acutely in China, the world's largest garbage importer.

9. Those who buy this garbage about America's compassion, her goodwill and champion for the oppressed has been sold a sack of crock.

10. garbage

10. Local governments will set the prices they charge for the treatment of urban garbage by taking into account local average incomes and economic circumstances.

garbage 英英释义



1. garbage的解释

1. a receptacle where waste can be discarded

    e.g. she tossed the moldy bread into the garbage

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. a worthless message

    Synonym: drivel

3. food that is discarded (as from a kitchen)

    Synonym: refuse food waste scraps
