
gallop [ˈgæləp]  [ˈɡæləp] 






gallop 基本解释

名词(马等)疾驰,飞奔; (比喻)飞快

及物/不及物动词(使马)飞驰; 飞速传递


gallop 相关例句


1. The horse galloped round the field.

2. I galloped over a novel.

3. He galloped through the work.


1. She went for a gallop after breakfast.

2. All the horses broke into a gallop.

3. She set off at a gallop.

gallop 网络解释

1. 疾驰:(约翰给乔一个棒球.但乔抱怨这球太旧.他的父亲告诉他不要太挑剔.) 赛马中马速分为5种:walk(常步).amble(慢步).trot(小跑).canter(慢跑).gallop(疾驰).如果一匹马以慢跑(canter)就能跑赢另一匹疾驰(gallop)的马.那就是win in

2. 疾驰, 飞奔:冲锋陷阵(Charge)风骑与所有人类骑兵单位首次攻击可造成50点点伤害 二级技能: 1.疾风迅步(Windwalking)将风骑与所有人类骑兵单位传输到己方视野内任一指定地点 2.疾驰飞奔(Gallop)使风骑与所有人类骑兵单位飞驰到指定目的地,

3. 飞奔:害4.冲锋陷阵(Charge)风骑与所有人类骑兵单位首次攻击可造成50点伤害二级技能:1.疾风迅步(Windwalking)将风骑与所有人类骑兵单位传输到己方视野内任一指定地点2.疾驰飞奔(Gallop)使风骑与所有人类骑兵单位飞驰到指定目的地,

4. 奔马律:45. rub 摩擦 | 46. gallop 奔马律 | 47. murmur 杂音

gallop 词典解释

1. (使)(马)飞奔;(使)(马)疾驰
    When a horse gallops, it runs very fast so that all four legs are off the ground at the same time. If you gallop a horse, you make it gallop.

    e.g. The horses galloped away...
    e.g. Staff officers galloped fine horses down the road.

2. 骑马奔驰;策马飞奔
    If you gallop, you ride a horse that is galloping.

    e.g. Major Winston galloped into the distance.

3. 骑马奔驰
    A gallop is a ride on a horse that is galloping.

    e.g. I was forced to attempt a gallop.

4. gallop是什么意思

4. 飞速发展;高速增长
    If something such as a process gallops, it develops very quickly and is often difficult to control.

    e.g. In spite of the recession, profits have galloped ahead.
    e.g. ...galloping inflation.

5. 迅速奔跑;飞奔
    If you gallop, you run somewhere very quickly.

    e.g. They are galloping around the garden playing football.

6. 迅速地;飞快地
    If you do something at a gallop, you do it very quickly.

    e.g. I read the book at a gallop.

gallop 单语例句

1. An acrylic patch was applied to the injured hoof but the colt returned from a gallop on Sunday with a tinge of blood.

2. If he rides the horse and only controls its direction, the horse will gallop and dash ahead.

3. You have to let the horse gallop and have confidence in him.

4. gallop的反义词

4. Even while president of a pharmaceutical company he would get up every day at 5 am for a gallop before going to work.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. At some stretches, the Great Wall of China is even wide enough for four horses to gallop.

6. China's economy continues at a gallop, resulting in a sharper increase of Chinese consumption.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. Against a backdrop of stunning mountains and pink rocks children play in yards, families picnic in parks and teenage boys gallop their horses away from the guests.

8. One of the unwanted byproducts of China's breakneck economic gallop is the increase of crimes of various sorts.

gallop 英英释义



1. a fast gait of a horse
    a two-beat stride during which all four legs are off the ground simultaneously



1. ride at a galloping pace

    e.g. He was galloping down the road

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. cause to move at full gallop

    e.g. Did you gallop the horse just now?

    Synonym: extend

3. gallop在线翻译

3. go at galloping speed

    e.g. The horse was galloping along
