
gallantry [ˈgæləntri]  [ˈɡæləntri] 


gallantry 基本解释

名词勇敢; (对女子的)殷勤; 礼貌的言行

gallantry 相关例句



1. He likes to display gallantry in front of his girlfriend.

2. He won a medal for gallantry.

3. The young man was noted for gallantry.

gallantry 网络解释

1. 绅士风度:主唱耀(耀哥)--象征荣耀 (Honor) 血型B; 白羊座; 自信 虔诚鼓手勇(阿勇)--象征勇气 (Courage) 血型A; 射手座; 坚强 勇敢节奏吉他风(阿风)--象征绅士风度 (Gallantry) 血型O; 天秤座; 谦逊 慷慨主音吉他义(阿义)--象征手足情义 (Camaraderie) 血型AB;

2. 勇敢:gallantly 漂亮地 | gallantry 勇敢 | gallate 五倍子酸盐

3. 对妇女的殷勤, 彬彬有礼:(9) Indecipherable 难辨认的, 破译不出的 | (10) Gallantry 对妇女的殷勤, 彬彬有礼 | (11) Look into 盯着看

4. 献殷勤:galanta 献殷勤的 gallant | galanto 献殷勤 gallantry | galerio 画廊 gallery

gallantry 词典解释

1. 英勇;勇敢
    Gallantry is bravery shown by someone who is in danger, for example when they are fighting in a war.

    e.g. For his gallantry he was awarded a Victoria Cross.

2. (尤指对女子的)殷勤,彬彬有礼
    Gallantry is kind, polite, and considerate behaviour towards other people, especially women.

    e.g. It's that time of year again, when thoughts turn to romance and gallantry.

gallantry 单语例句

1. Liu has touched us with his dedication and commitment, but there is much more behind his gallantry.

2. Organizers of the event are convinced that Sang's gallantry and optimism help build confidence in other physically handicapped individuals.

3. Eight served in the fight against Muslim separatists in the country's troubled south, and most had been decorated for gallantry under fire.

gallantry 英英释义


1. polite attentiveness to women


2. the qualities of a hero or heroine
    exceptional or heroic courage when facing danger (especially in battle)

    e.g. he showed great heroism in battle
           he received a medal for valor

    Synonym: heroism valor valour valorousness valiance valiancy

3. courtesy towards women

    Synonym: chivalry politesse
