
gale [geɪl]  [ɡeɪl]


gale 基本解释


名词大风,暴风; (突发的)一阵; <诗>微风; [植]香杨梅

gale 同义词

名词wind windstorm squall shout tempest

gale 反义词



gale 相关例句


1. We heard gales of laughter.

2. Many trees were blown down in the gale.

3. I heard gales of laughter coming from the kitchen.

4. Trees were blown down in the gale.

gale 网络解释


1. 大风:而在米拉弗洛雷斯湖段航道宽度为225公尺(740呎)在两边海洋的运河渗透口航道四周都筑有很长的防波堤利蒙湾的东、西两面都有防波堤;西面的防波堤保护港口不受大风(gale)侵袭,而东面的防波堤则是为了减少运河航道的淤积在太平洋这边,

2. 强风:陈白他们的寝室位于整栋楼的东侧,造型别具一格,有两扇窗,住五个人,侧门朝西. 方才目睹了两股强风(gale)从西门而入,忽如债主而至,陈白将画命名为<<西门吹雪>>.

3. 疾风:经过了一个暑假的酝酿,经历了种种起起伏伏,疾风(GALE)长曲棍球社团终于迎来了桌上曲棍球在华中科技大学的首次招新. 疾风(GALE)长曲棍球社团成立于二零零九年四月三日,刚刚成立的集体在大家的努力下逐渐走向正轨. 以锻炼自身素质,

4. gale:generic area limitation environment; 通用区域限制环境

gale 词典解释

1. 大风;强风
    A gale is a very strong wind.

    e.g. ...forecasts of fierce gales over the next few days.

2. 一阵(大笑声)
    You can refer to the loud noise made by a lot of people all laughing at the same time as a gale of laughter or gales of laughter.

    e.g. This was greeted with gales of laughter from the audience.

gale 单语例句

1. Heavy snow and gale force winds have already caused the temperature to drop by 18 degrees in Altay in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

2. Heavy snow and gale force winds caused the temperature to drop by 18 degrees in Altay in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region last week.

3. The provincial weather station said no strong gale would affect the region on Monday, which would be conducive for the fire fighters to extinguish embers.

4. Curiosity will land near the foot of a mountain near the middle of Gale Crater, which is the size of Connecticut and Rhode Island combined.

5. A strong cold front began affecting Xinjiang on Saturday, causing sandstorms and gale force winds in parts of the westernmost region of China.

6. Chen and Gale chose the latter approach from the first episode, as the pair gave directions to competitors to help them get train tickets.

7. gale在线翻译

7. She met Gale two years ago in Shanghai through a mutual friend.

8. Local meteorologists forecast that the heavy rain would continue into night Saturday in Chongqing, with rain up to 200 mm in some areas and thunder and strong gale.

9. The provincial weather department forecast that rain with strong gale would hit the province again from Sunday evening to Monday.

10. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

10. BEIJING - A new tropical storm formed early Tuesday morning and is expected to bring more rain and gale force winds to southeastern China.

gale 英英释义


1. a strong wind moving 45-90 knots
    force 7 to 10 on Beaufort scale
