


galaxies 基本解释
银河系;星系( galaxy的名词复数 );一群;
galaxies 网络解释

1. 星系:超过 73,000 个星系 (galaxies) , 显示星系的实际尺寸及方位 型态. 太阳、行星、彗星、小行星、月球和木星四大卫星的动态显示 (Animation) 及产生天体位置历 (Ephemeris) ,显示行星环和相 (phase) 及木星的四大卫星 (Jovian satellites) .

2. 銀河系:qid=1306021008302 银河系(Galaxies),乃是星球的大集团,包括恒星、星云、星尘及气体等,其中,恒星的数目,估计可多达一千万万颗以上;我们太阳系所在的一个集团,称为本银河系或我们的银河系,通常肉眼所看见的恒星,

3. 锰尖晶石:3、 gravitational adj.重力的 | 4、 galaxies 锰尖晶石 | 5、 NASA abbr.National Aeronautics and Space Administration (美国)国家航空和宇宙航行局

galaxies 单语例句

1. In vibrant contrast to the image's rich harvest of classic spiral and elliptical galaxies, there is a zoo of oddball galaxies littering the field.

2. The Herschel telescope will collect data on the coldest and most distant objects ever observed to explore the history of how stars and galaxies formed.

3. He discovered that galaxies are moving away from Earth at speeds between three hundred kilometers a second and one thousand eight hundred kilometers a second.

4. Galaxies in deep space are seen in a 2005 handout photo from NASA.

5. These young galaxies haven't yet formed their familiar spiral or elliptical shapes and are much smaller and quite blue in color.

6. Understanding the nature of black holes and their host galaxies is important because astronomers would like to better know how galaxies form and evolve.

7. galaxies是什么意思

7. Scientists say they mostly consist of galaxies going through puberty, all hot and bothered.

8. The gravitational force between the clashing galaxies can cause " slow strangulation, " in which crucial gas is gradually removed from the victim galaxy.

9. Hubble researchers are confident their new image contains galaxies whose light has been stretched to a red shift of 6 or more.

10. The new Hubble picture captures those distant simpler galaxies juxtaposed amid closer, newer and more evolved ones.
