
gadget [ˈgædʒɪt]  [ˈɡædʒɪt] 



gadget 基本解释

名词小玩意; 小配件; 小装置

gadget 相关例句



1. A bottle opener is a kitchen gadget.

2. She likes those clever little gadgets.

3. The gadget is simply marvelous!

gadget 网络解释

1. 小配件:苹果iPad自今年初面世以来,引发众多PC厂商与消费者的关注,PC制造商纷纷创新策略与设备,力求在小配件(Gadget)领域找到新商机,以挑战风光无限的iPad. 据国外媒体报道称,未来数

2. 小工具:Miranda表示,Fusion Application便将采用WebCenter作为标准的操作介面,让使用者能自主以拖放(Drag & Drop)方式混搭个人需要使用的应用元件,以及来自外部的软体或资讯,如RSS订阅与Google 小工具(gadget)等,并全部可在单一画面中检视.

3. 配件:WOA包含了所有由万维网设计驱动的架构性问题,作为一种架构,我得指出它还在不断地细化自身,包括开放Web API的兴起, 预打包的服务消费迷你应用 (也被叫作小部件(widget)或小配件(gadget)).

gadget 词典解释

1. 小器具;精巧的小玩意
    A gadget is a small machine or device which does something useful. You sometimes refer to something as a gadget when you are suggesting that it is complicated and unnecessary.

    e.g. gadgets including toasters, kettles and percolators.
    e.g. ...the latest gadget for the technology obsessed: pocket-sized computers that you write on with a pen.

gadget 单语例句

1. All this was made possible by a little gadget called the cassette tape recorder.

2. Fliers are shoved in your face, featuring a collage of deals and information to satiate any gadget hunger.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. One is finding a place to plug in, but the bigger problem is finding a connector that fits the gadget.

4. Motorists in Shanghai have latched on to a new craze a gadget that allows them to play music through their car horns.

5. gadget的解释

5. The price of the new gadget was priced at 999 yuan, the same as a bluetooth earphone for an iPhone.

6. gadget的意思

6. Gwyneth Paltrow has hailed a $ 185 " wonder gadget " as the secret of her youthful look.

7. gadget的意思

7. Microsoft said the gadget can track a players'full body movement, recognize their face and voice and respond to their physical and vocal commands.

8. gadget在线翻译

8. The company claims that the technologies in question help cut manufacturing costs, reduce gadget size and prolong battery life.

9. gadget的意思

9. As any fashionista or gadget hound knows, the latest frocks and tech toys don't pay for themselves.

10. The gadget has been produced by Swiss firm Victorinox, which gave the world its first Swiss Army knife more than a century ago.

gadget 英英释义



1. a device or control that is very useful for a particular job

    Synonym: appliance contraption contrivance convenience gizmo gismo widget
