1. 加蓬:十、刚果(CGO)二十一、利特迪瓦(CIV) 二十二、克罗地亚(CRO) 二十三、古巴(CUB)二十四、捷克(CZE) 二十五、朝鲜(PRK) 二十六、埃及(EGY)二十七、埃塞俄比亚(ETH) 二十八、芬兰(FIN) 二十九、法国(FRA)三十、加蓬(GAB) 三十一、格鲁吉亚
2. 纱卡:开衫 CARDIGAN | 纱卡 GAB | 帆布 CAVANS
3. 凹节:GAAP 通用会计原则 | gab 凹节 | gabarit 净距;模子;样板
4. 凹槽:gab tongs 平口钳 | gab 凹槽 | gab 凹节
5. gab:general agreements to borrow; 借款总安排
6. gab:gabon; 加蓬
7. gab:comité olympique gabonais; 加蓬奥林匹克委员会
8. gab:general arrangements to borrow; 一般借款协定
1. 口才,辩才(美国英语中亦作the gift of gab)
If someone has the gift of the gab, they are able to speak easily and confidently, and to persuade people. Also the gift of gab, mainly in American English.
e.g. They are naturally good salesmen with the gift of the gab.
1. His opinion was reinforced by participants in the GAB, one of the largest culinary events in South Asia this year.
2. gab
2. GAB plans to use more than 45 international production teams, working alongside experienced Chinese TV production teams from the Beijing Olympics.
1. light informal conversation for social occasions
Synonym: chitchat chit-chat chit chat small talk gabfest gossip tittle-tattle chin wag chin-wag chin wagging chin-wagging causerie