
fury [ˈfjʊəri]  [ˈfjʊri] 


fury 基本解释

名词狂怒; 暴怒; [罗神]复仇三女神之一; 激怒者

fury 相关词组

1. fly into a fury : 勃然大怒;

2. be filled with fury : 怒火满腔;

fury 相关例句



1. This county felt the full fury of the storm.

2. In his fury he tore the letter to pieces.

3. He flew into fury when I said I couldn't help him.

4. At last the fury of the storm lessened.

fury 网络解释

1. 怒火:难以想象鲁斯喜欢的方式,作为世界上最伟大的科学家有什么更好的办法劝说这些势力退缩. 简介:萨尔曼.拉什迪(Salman Rushidie)是<<撒旦的诗篇>>(The Satanic Verses)<<怒火>>(Fury)等. 吴万伟,武汉科技大学外语学院讲师

fury 词典解释

1. 狂怒;暴怒
    Fury is violent or very strong anger.

    e.g. She screamed, her face distorted with fury and pain.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 异常愤怒;怒不可遏
    If you are in a fury, you are very angry.

    e.g. I had reacted in a fury of grief...
    e.g. He rose to his feet in a fury to leave no doubt about where he stood on the issue.

fury 单语例句

1. fury的反义词

1. War in the game is waged channeling the fury, intelligence and cunning of the novel's characters.

2. The family of Duggan and local leaders all condemned the violence and rioting, but it was too late and a fury sprung from discontent had been sparked.

3. Reports of the incident ignited flames of fury across China's major news portals, with many netizens describing the incident as " the shame of the nation ".

4. The events organizers'approach and attitude toward Shangguan's family and his treatment stirred dissatisfaction and fury from his family.

5. The devastating rainstorm in Beijing that killed 79 people last month, sparked a nationwide fury over the city's weak drainage system.

6. Gong's mood edged to near fury when she regarded a 2006 medical report from Singapore citing her sister's health as " medically well ".

7. Event organizers, electronic music artists and other music fans have taken their fury online.

8. The initial verdict triggered fury at Ferrari, who maintain that McLaren have gained from significant leaks of information.

9. The drawings have touched off international fury as well as a debate on the clash between freedom of speech and respect for religion.

10. " Fury at TV photo of dying Diana, " said the Daily Mail.

fury 英英释义


1. fury在线翻译

1. the property of being wild or turbulent

    e.g. the storm's violence

    Synonym: ferocity fierceness furiousness vehemence violence wildness

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. a feeling of intense anger

    e.g. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
           his face turned red with rage

    Synonym: rage madness

3. state of violent mental agitation

    Synonym: craze delirium frenzy hysteria
