
furor ['fjʊərɔ:(r)]  [ˈfjʊrˌɔr, -ɚ] 

furor 基本解释

名词狂热; 狂怒; 喧闹; 抗议

furor 网络解释


1. 狂怒:大体而言,直到18世纪末,只有当付诸民法典或教会法时也会引出精神错乱问题的案件才会提出刑事精神错乱的问题,也就是说,它或者表现为痴呆(dementia)或弱智,或者表现为狂怒(furor).

2. 狂暴:furniture 家具 | furor 狂暴 | furor epilepticus 癫痫性狂暴

3. 激怒:furniture 家具 | furor 激怒 | furred 长软毛的

4. 轰动 盛怒:Fret 烦躁 焦虑 | Furor 轰动 盛怒 | Fusty 陈腐的 霉臭的

furor 单语例句

1. furor在线翻译

1. He said he was particularly distressed that the furor has been a distraction to the purpose of a campaign.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. She dropped out amid the furor that erupted after her allegations were made public and began moving from town to town to avoid media scrutiny.

3. The policeman and the professor both expressed respect for each other after their dispute that unleashed a furor over racial profiling in America.

4. Obama tried to quell the furor Saturday, explaining his remarks while also conceding he had chosen his words poorly.

5. In 2001, a revisionist Japanese textbook excising wartime atrocities caused a furor across Asia.

6. The issue has raised a furor in Europe where various governments are facing mounting public pressure to come up with answers.

7. He believes the recent furor in the United States and in the West in general about the Chinese taking away jobs is unrealistic.

8. Koizumi faces potential political fallout from the furor in July, when elections are scheduled for the upper house of Parliament.

9. This furor and Internet slug fest is passionate and sometimes nasty, though comic at times.

10. But the furor caused by the negative reporting about China compels me to add my lamentations here.

furor 英英释义


1. a sudden outburst (as of protest)

    Synonym: furore

2. an interest followed with exaggerated zeal

    e.g. he always follows the latest fads
           it was all the rage that season

    Synonym: fad craze furore cult rage
