
furnish [ˈfɜ:nɪʃ]  [ˈfɜ:rnɪʃ] 





furnish 基本解释

及物动词陈设,布置; 提供,供应; 装修(房屋)

furnish 相关例句



1. How are you going to furnish the house?

2. She rents a furnished flat.

3. I will furnish all you need.

4. The house is well furnished.

5. I'll furnish you with all you need.

furnish 网络解释


1. 提供:如果医生能分离(isolate)出主干(stem)细胞,指导这些细胞发育,那么他们就可能为病人提供(furnish)健康的移置(replacement)器官(tissue). 这样做的难度非常大,但是去年秋天,威斯康星州大学的科学家设法分离出了主干细胞,

2. 布置:suite (一套)家具 (宝宝姐姐提示:注意读音) | furnish 布置 | fit up 装备

3. 供应:供水及净化water supply and purification | 供应furnish | 供应链supply chain

furnish 词典解释

1. 布置;为(房间或建筑物)配备家具陈设
    If you furnish a room or building, you put furniture and furnishings into it.

    e.g. Many proprietors try to furnish their hotels with antiques.

2. 提供;供应
    If you furnish someone with something, you provide or supply it.

    e.g. They'll be able to furnish you with the rest of the details.

furnish 单语例句

1. furnish是什么意思

1. John's and Furnish's civil union would not be recognized as marriage in Ukraine.

2. Zhu agreed to furnish the committee the company's financial documents later.

3. The family members of a foreigner applying for a visa or residence permit in China need to furnish official documents proving their relationship.

4. Elton John and partner David Furnish are tipped to make a surprise appearance.

5. Kwok's company is in talks with a furniture chain to develop an application that enable users to furnish a model of their houses on Facebook.

6. Elizabeth has allegedly been seeking wedding advice from her good friend Sir Elton John, who'married'his partner David Furnish in a civil ceremony in 2005.

7. Moving into his own city apartment and having to furnish it made it easy for him to spot a gap in the market.

8. Furnish played a Russell recording and John began to weep, as the music transported him back to the outset of his career.

9. There should be complementary systems of verification and provisions of punishing officials who furnish false reports.

10. The rich talent resources furnish sufficient talent supports to businesses investing in Fuzhou.

furnish 英英释义



1. give something useful or necessary to

    e.g. We provided the room with an electrical heater

    Synonym: supply provide render

2. provide or equip with furniture

    e.g. We furnished the house in the Biedermeyer style
