
fuming [fjʊmɪŋ]  [fjʊmɪŋ] 






fuming 基本解释

动词冒烟; 愤怒( fume的现在分词 ); 大怒; 发怒

fuming 网络解释

1. 熏烟:fumigation 熏烟 | fuming 熏烟 | function button 功能按钮

2. 冒烟;烟化:fumigationplume 烟羽 | fuming 冒烟;烟化 | fumingcupboard 通风橱

3. 发烟的;熏蒸的:fumigator 烟熏器;熏蒸消毒器 | fuming 发烟的;熏蒸的 | fuming cupboard 通风柜

4. 发烟、烟化:fume烟、烟气、烟雾、烟化 | fuming发烟、烟化 | function函数、功用、功能、用途、作用

fuming 单语例句

1. fuming

1. I was by then fuming at the injustice I had just witnessed and was not surprised at her accommodation.

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2. The fuming star was also shown clenching his teeth and muttering expletives as he stood with his arms crossed tightly across his chest.

3. fuming的意思

3. A fuming Juan Manuel Marquez was contemplating retirement after claiming he was " robbed " in a majority decision defeat by Manny Pacquiao on Saturday.

4. Bologna defied their lowly position with an aggressive display against Juventus but they were left fuming at three refereeing decisions which proved to be decisive.

5. Geri Halliwell was left " fuming " when she caught her boyfriend gazing at another woman.

6. Hundreds of fuming homeowners who had bought the apartments stormed the reception office of the local government on Sunday demanding a refund.

7. The bureau said they have intensified inspection over US cattle hides, fuming and steaming every batch of the imports that arrived.

8. The furore over " 300 " is by no means the first time Iran has been left fuming over Western portrayals of its ancient history.

9. Women's rights activists are fuming at the studio boss's remarks after struggling for so long to win equal pay.

10. He still seemed to be fuming about Sunday night's loss in Oklahoma City and didn't see much improvement one game later.
