full name

full name [ful neim]  [fʊl nem] 

full name 基本解释

全名; 全称; 姓名

full name 网络解释

1. 用户名:然后在右侧窗口输入Windows序列号(Product Key)、用户名(Full Name)、组织(Organisation)和计算机名(Computer Name). 另外,需要提醒大家注意的是,在这个选项页下,还可以为管理员(Administrator)设置密码(如果不输入任何内容则密码为空).

2. 姓名:如何使用Mr,Mrs, Miss, Ms等称谓语:它们要么与姓名(full name)连用,要么只与姓(surname)连用,但不能只与名(given name)连用. 比如,一个叫John Smith的人,人们可以称他Mr John Smith或Mr Smith,但不能称他为Mr John.

3. 全称:视窗系统 2000 把你输入的姓氏和名称组合起,自动填充全称(Full Name)字段. 不过,全称字段是能编辑的,这样你能修改默认的全称. 你能使用联系人的属性对话框输入相关信息,就象用户对象类型的属性对话相同,

full name 单语例句

1. My parents would call me by my first name and my teachers by my full name.

2. Chief Justice John Roberts administered the oath of office to Barack Hussein Obama, who repeated his full name.

3. full name是什么意思

3. Zhang spoke on condition of only being identified by his surname and English first name instead of his full Chinese name.

4. It listed his full name, date of birth and his health condition.

5. A salesman at Da Shi Hang Auto Co who declined to provide his full name said having the hammers is not extremely important.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Wang who did not want to give her full name was the first caller.

7. Police would not release the man's full name, but gave his family name as Zhu.

8. Police would not release the man's full name and only gave his family name as Zhu.

9. She wouldn't give her full name for fear of being arrested.

10. full name的反义词

10. Zhuang declined to give her full name, worrying her employer may frown upon her words.
