
frump [frʌmp]  [frʌmp] 

frump 基本解释


frump 网络解释

1. 守旧者:frumety 牛奶麦粥 | frump 守旧者 | frumpish 心地不良的

2. 邋遢的女人:frump 邋遢的女人 | frumpishfrumpy 不见世面的 | frustule 硅藻的细胞膜

3. 守旧者/邋遢的女人:frumenty /小麦粥/ | frump /守旧者/邋遢的女人/ | frumpish /心地不良的/不见世面的/衣着寒酸过时的/

4. 衣着守旧的人:frizz n.使成卷发,卷发 | frump 衣着守旧的人 | funk 恐惧,恐怖

5. frump:fast reading and understanding memory program; 快速阅读和理解的记忆程序

frump 双语例句

1. You do so often insist on playing the frump.


2. A woman considered ugly or unkempt. she got a reputation as a frump; she's a real dog.

3. In the woman's eyes, he is so romantic and salt and can lead excitement. But she doesn't know he is also a frump or sloppy person, such as his feculentshoes and socks here and there.

4. No-one woman, and one chattering old frump!

5. She was a princess, and a princess could make Jackie Kennedy appear almost a frump.

6. She got a reputation as a frump.

frump 英英释义


1. a dull unattractive unpleasant girl or woman

    e.g. she got a reputation as a frump
           she's a real dog

    Synonym: dog
