
fro [frəʊ]  [froʊ] 


fro 基本解释



名词〈美俚〉非洲发型= Afro


fro 网络解释

1. 基点:最近点:NEA | 基点:FRO | 图层:LAYER

2. 往:frizzy 卷曲的 | fro 往 | frock 上衣

3. 往, 去, 回, 向后:professional course 专业课 | fro 往, 去, 回, 向后 | rubber tyred roller 轮胎式压路机, 轮胎式路碾

4. 法罗群岛:FRA 法国 | FRO 法罗群岛 | GUF 法属圭亚那

fro 词典解释

1. to and fro -> see to

fro 单语例句

1. They panted with suspense as velocity sucked Di several meters underwater and the ferocious maelstrom whipped his figure to and fro.

2. And the audience walked to and fro and chatted like they were in a teahouse.

3. Hui also underlined the respect fro and protection of migrant peasant workers'rights and interest, calling for canceling of urban discriminatory restrictions upon them.

4. Liu then disappears suddenly and Du finds herself in a modern city, where men and women walk to and fro in a cold way.

5. Armed policemen in uniforms patrolled to and fro along the other sides of the stage.
