
friend [frend]  [frɛnd] 








friend 基本解释

名词朋友,友人; 资助者; 助手; 近亲


friend 同义词


名词comrade crony playmate chum companion associate acquaintance buddy colleague partner mate intimate

friend 反义词


名词enemy foe

friend 相关例句


1. What can I do for you, my friend?

2. The dog is a faithful friend of man.

3. Bright light is the painter's best friend.

4. That rich lady is a friend of the arts.

5. He is my friend.

friend 情景对话


A:Look, Jim. That man just fell down over there.

B:We better see if he’s o.k.

A:Sir…sir? Are you all right? Sir?

B:He’s not answering. You’d better check his pulse and breathing.

A:Oh, no. He’s not breathing, and there’s no pulse. Call 911.

B:Hello? Yes. Someone has passed out at Connecticut Ave. and 1st St. He isn’t breathing and does not have a pulse. Yes. My friend is perfomp3ing CPR. OK. Thank you. They’re sending an ambulance. Here, let me help.

Joe's Date-(乔的约会)

A:And then we went to a dance after dinner, and after the third dance she tells me that she's practically engaged to some G.I. who's overseas.


A:What do you mean by "so"? You don't accept dates if you're practically engaged.

B:Why not? You only asked her for a date, not for her hand in marriage.There's nothing wrong in going out with a friend from the office.

A:I know, but it makes me mad.

B:They're all engaged, and they never tell you before you ask them out.


A:Would you please weigh this letter to see what the postage is?

B:Do you want to send it by ordinary or registered mail?

A:By ordinary air mail, please.

B:Anything of value in it?

A:A postal order for four hundred dollars.
      一张400 美元的邮政汇票。

B:In that case, you’d better have it registered.

A:Will I be informed when my friend gets the letter?

B:Yes, when your friend gets it, he’ll sign a receipt, which will be sent to you by mail. Then you can be sure it’s been received.

A:All right, I’ll have it registered, then.

friend 网络解释


1. 好友:登陆后在拨号栏输入国家区码和电话号码即可,出现拨不通的情况下多试几次就可以了. 帐号要经过激活才能使用,所以请填写真实email,回复信件即可激活. 好友名单(Friend List)中必须至少有③位好友(Friend),便可立即使用PC-to-Phone电话服务!

2. 友元: 4.6 友元在 C++中 友元 ( friend) 函数允许在类外中 友元( ) 访问该类中的任何成员, 访问该类中的任何成员 , 就象成员函数一 友元函数用关键字friend说明.

3. 夥伴:Q23:伙伴(friend)是什么?Q58:衍生类别能否将基底类别的非虚拟函数覆盖(override)过去?FAQ 707. 怎样写常驻程序(TSR)工具?行内函数(inline function)是个程序代码会塞入呼叫者所在之处的函数. 就像宏注意:过度使用行内函数会让程序代码肥胖,

friend 词典解释

1. 朋友;友人
    A friend is someone who you know well and like, but who is not related to you.

    e.g. I had a long talk about this with my best friend...
    e.g. She never was a close friend of mine.

2. (与…互为)朋友
    If you are friends with someone, you are their friend and they are yours.

    e.g. I still wanted to be friends with Alison...
    e.g. We remained good friends...

3. 支持者;拥护者;赞助者
    The friends of a country, cause, organization, or a famous politician are the people and organizations who help and support them.

    e.g. ...the friends of Israel.
    e.g. ...The Friends of Birmingham Royal Ballet.

4. friend

4. 盟友;友国;友邦
    If one country refers to another as a friend, they mean that the other country is not an enemy of theirs.

    e.g. The president said that Japan is now a friend and international partner.

5. (与…)交朋友;(和…)建立友谊
    If you make friends with someone, you begin a friendship with them. You can also say that two people make friends .

    e.g. He has made friends with the kids on the street...
    e.g. Dennis made friends easily...

friend 单语例句

1. " But don't I need an invitation letter from a Chinese business, " my friend questioned.

2. friend

2. I called a Chinese friend who was coming over to dinner to buy white wine and spinach.

3. I have a Chinese friend in Shanghai whom I also met by chance on the Internet.

4. People saw Cage's friend David Tudor sit at the piano and mark the beginning of the piece by closing the keyboard lid.

5. Four years ago, she was told by her friend that heroin could help her lose weight.

6. I sat down with a black friend for lunch in a crowded cafeteria next to some young Chinese adults.

7. See if you can cajole a friend or family member into joining you for the ride.


8. But his friend's leg bones broke through the skin and his calf muscle flopped out when they slammed into the river.

9. Cops advised her to call a family friend to get her street address.

10. While Li was answering the call of nature, her friend was waiting outside.

friend 英英释义


1. a person with whom you are acquainted

    e.g. I have trouble remembering the names of all my acquaintances
           we are friends of the family

    Synonym: acquaintance

2. an associate who provides cooperation or assistance

    e.g. he's a good ally in fight

    Synonym: ally

3. friend的解释

3. a person you know well and regard with affection and trust

    e.g. he was my best friend at the university

4. friend的反义词

4. a person who backs a politician or a team etc.

    e.g. all their supporters came out for the game
           they are friends of the library

    Synonym: supporter protagonist champion admirer booster
