
freshly [ˈfreʃli]  [ˈfrɛʃlɪ] 

freshly 基本解释


副词新近,刚才; 精神饱满地; 气息清新地

freshly 相关例句



1. This is a freshly painted room.

2. His shirts have been freshly washed and ironed.

freshly 网络解释


1. 气味清新地:excellent =极好的; | freshly=气味清新地; | counter=柜台;

2. 新/新近/精神饱满/活泼地/爽快地:freshet /涨水/洪水/奔流/ | freshly /新/新近/精神饱满/活泼地/爽快地/ | freshman /新生/

3. 新近 精神饱满 气味清新地:doughnut 甜甜圈 | freshly 新近 精神饱满 气味清新地 | consulting 咨询

freshly 词典解释

1. 刚;才
    If something is freshly made or done, it has been recently made or done.

    e.g. ...freshly baked bread.
    e.g. ...freshly cut grass.

freshly 单语例句

1. It's proving popular with locals, who buy 5 kg at a time of the freshly milled product.

2. Vendors sold pork dumplings and other treats, such as freshly made caramel candy sculpted into chubby pig shapes.

3. Particularly appropriate to the setting are the freshly squeezed sugar cane juice, and fresh coconut milk.

4. freshly的近义词

4. At a cemetery just outside the mine's sprawling grounds, mounds of freshly dug earth stood next to half a dozen new graves.


5. The lobby will be transformed into a challenging obstacle course through which contestants will navigate their way while tossing a freshly made pancake.

6. That prompted the government to slaughter every chicken and duck in the city, and to impose tough rules on sales of live and freshly butchered poultry.


7. A host of snapshots freshly released online offer people a rare glimpse into the childlike superstar's fantasyland.

8. The eatery uses freshly imported crabs to cook with chili and a special recipe sauce that gives it a great taste.

9. Each cup of coffee is freshly brewed accompanied by heated Wonder Milk in a mini pitcher.

10. freshly是什么意思

10. But these programs rarely block freshly minted computer viruses, experts say.

freshly 英英释义


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. very recently

    e.g. they are newly married
           newly raised objections
           a newly arranged hairdo
           grass new washed by the rain
           a freshly cleaned floor
           we are fresh out of tomatoes

    Synonym: newly fresh new

2. in an impudent or impertinent manner

    e.g. a lean, swarthy fellow was peering through the window, grinning impudently

    Synonym: impertinently saucily pertly impudently
