freezing point

freezing point[ˈfri:ziŋ pɔint] 


第三人称复数:freezing points

freezing point 基本解释

freezing point的近义词


freezing point 反义词

名词boiling point

freezing point 网络解释

1. 凝固点:凝点/凝固点(FREEZING POINT)是反映油品低温性能的重要指标,是油品在特定的试验条件下,逐渐降低温度,当丧失其流动性那一瞬间的最高温度即为凝点. 但石油是一种混合物,它不像纯化合物那样有一确定的凝点,而是在一相当宽的温度范围内逐渐凝固,

2. 冰点:2006年,<<冰点>>(Freezing Point)周刊发表了一位历史学家的一篇评论. 他在文中辩称,中小学历史教科书扭曲了有关火烧圆明园以及殖民主义对中国犯下的其它罪行的历史. 而且,与这两尊鼠首和兔首铜像相比,中国文明还有更好的代表者.

3. 凝固点,冰点:凝固点(冰点)(freezing point)是在一定非固体物质,一定压力下等条件,变为固态,称之为凝固点.在多数情况下等于物质的熔点. 以下为标准大气压下一些物质的冰点(熔点、凝固点) 乙酸(醋酸)的熔(冰)点为16.5℃(289.6 K). 纯的乙酸在低于熔点时会冻结成冰状晶体,

4. 冰(凝固)点:freezing microtome knife 冷冻切片刀 | freezing point 冰(凝固)点 | freight paid 运费已付

freezing point 词典解释
freezing point的意思

1. (常用于谈论天气时)冰点,零(摄氏)度
    Freezing point is 0° Celsius, the temperature at which water freezes. Freezing point is often used when talking about the weather.

    e.g. The temperature remained below freezing point throughout the day.

2. 凝固点;冻结点
    The freezing point of a particular substance is the temperature at which it freezes.

freezing point 单语例句

1. The mercury in Shanghai will drop below freezing point during Spring Festival days, the meteorological bureau predicted.

2. The dispute has been heating up with Russia resorting to retaliatory measures, causing bilateral ties to approach the freezing point.

3. Evening temperatures drop to below freezing point in Yushu, and there was a little snow and sleet on Monday afternoon.

freezing point 英英释义


1. the temperature below which a liquid turns into a solid

    Synonym: melting point
