1. We keep frozen food in a freezer.
1. 冰箱:笑)宇宙人体系:弗利萨(FRIEZA):因为是所有宇宙人的老大,所以是能包容一切食物的冰箱(FREEZER)格尔多大王(KING COLD):因为是冰箱的爸爸,所以是冷王邱夷(KUWI):因为是死在蔬菜王子手上的角色,所以都是水果,
2. 冰库:把部份冻潮州大芥菜放入一个有盖的玻璃瓶中(已洗乾净的八安士装即冲咖啡瓶最为 适合),洒入盐拌匀,再加冻潮州大芥菜,再加盐拌匀,如此直到所有的芥菜都入 了樽,加盖放入冰库(freezer)便成.
3. 冰柜:5 倒入预先准备的梳乎厘杯内,置入冰柜(freezer)内最少 4 小时,食用前早 15 分钟放在室温中回温上碟
4. 冷藏柜:本公司成立于1986年,全面引进美国诺博索(罗伯绍ROBERTSHAW)公司压力式温控器(PRESSURETYPETHERMOSTAT)技术和生产线及检测设备,专业生产电冰箱(REFRIGERATOR)、冷藏柜(FREEZER)、空调器(AIR-CONDITIONER)、饮水机和汽车空调器使用
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. 冰柜;冷冻室
A freezer is a large container like a fridge in which the temperature is kept below freezing point so that you can store food inside it for long periods.
1. A hairy corpse crammed in a Georgia freezer is Bigfoot, two men who have been tracking the legendary creature have claimed.
2. Allen said she's keeping the cat's corpse in her freezer for now, in case scientists would like it for research.
3. The simplest way to prepare fruits is to cut them up and place them in a container inside the freezer.
4. Ji and his colleagues log long hours both in and out of the freezer every day.
5. They said the forensic examination was held up by the need to first slowly thaw the frozen remains of the infants found in the freezer.
6. 911查询·英语单词
6. The body of Michael Jackson has been moved to a freezer locker, it has been claimed.
7. freezer的解释
7. Give each pot a little water and place a clear plastic freezer bag over the top to create your very own miniature greenhouse.
8. Police say they must have been put in the freezer before December 2003, when the mother had her womb removed in an operation.
9. Frozen peas can keep in the freezer until you need them, and a couple of cans of mushrooms can always be found in the pantry.
10. An Italian is suspected of hiding his dead father in a freezer for two years so he could keep collecting the old man's pension.
1. electric refrigerator (trade name Deepfreeze) in which food is frozen and stored for long periods of time
Synonym: deep-freeze Deepfreeze deep freezer