freeze out

freeze out [fri:z aut]  [friz aʊt] 

freeze out 基本解释
freeze out 相关例句


1. The meeting was frozen out.

2. Half of the vegetables froze out in the sudden cold.

3. She won't freeze you out if you call on her.

freeze out 网络解释

1. 冻干:freeze in 用冰冻上 | freeze out 冻干 | freeze over 全面结冰

2. 冻析冻离:freeze out 冻析 | freeze out 冻析冻离 | freeze 冷冻

3. 冻析:freeze concentration 冷冻浓缩 | freeze out 冻析 | freeze out 冻析冻离

4. 冷冻 冷处理:Frame games 框架游戏 设套、圈套 | Freeze-out 冷冻 冷处理 | Grounding 背景植入 来龙去脉

freeze out 单语例句

1. If our concrete walls are dormant guards who fail to keep the freeze out, then glass is a treacherous doorman that ushers in cold air.

2. Winter swimmers must also keep an eye out for security guards looking to put the freeze on their polar pastime.

3. Freeze two iron spoons in the refrigerator and take them out ten minutes later.

4. In pushing to freeze out the militants behind many of the suicide bombings in Israel, the United States is presenting its Arab friends with a sensitive political challenge.

5. An accelerated freeze and phase out of HCFCs now represents another of those " quick wins " which needs to be more widely understood and supported.

6. The United States said agreement to freeze uranium enrichment could be a positive step if fully carried out.

7. Iran complained the talks were being deliberately dragged out so as to keep the freeze in place.

8. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert sent on Tuesday top officials to Washington to work out exactly what the settlement freeze would entail.

9. At that time these were made simply by pouring water into a bucket that was then put out in the open to freeze.

freeze out 英英释义


1. freeze out

1. change from a liquid to a solid when cold

    e.g. Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit

    Synonym: freeze freeze down
