1. 特许经营人:在这个关系中特许人(franchisor)提供一种被许可的经营特权,并在组织、训练、商品计划和管理上提供援助,以作为从特许经营人(franchisee)那里获得...由于除了美国多数州、日本、澳大利亚、巴西、墨西哥、加拿大少数州之外,
2. 加盟商:特许加盟经营实际上是一种以知识产权许可为核心的,存在于特许商(Franchisor)与加盟商(Franchisee)之间的合约法律关系. 从这个意义上讲,开展特许经营的全过程,就是一份特许经营合同从缔结到执行的全过程.
3. 被特许者:特许经营(Franchising)是特许(franchi-sor)和被特许者(franchisee)之间以特许经营合同确立的一种经营模式. 因此,一份有效且可执行的特许经营合同,不仅是确立特许者和被特许者之间许可和被许可的法律关系,明确双方权利和义务的基础,
4. 特许权使用人:franchise 营业特权;专利权 | franchisee 特许权使用人 | franchisor 特许权拥有人
1. 获特许权的人;特许经营人(或公司)
A franchisee is a person or group of people who buy a particular franchise.
1. Beijing Franchise Equity Exchange protects the interest of both franchiser and franchisee, he says.
2. Under the Eastern Harbour Crossing Ordinance, arbitrators have the final say when the government or the tunnel franchisee disagrees on tolls.
3. He explains that the company has a strong partnership with its Hangzhou franchisee, and that it has no plans to change its operations there.
4. The local franchisee is expecting to continue the partnership by opening more chains.
5. The franchisor is obliged to disclose information on advertising and promotions and details of the franchisee's administration.
6. That information is provided to the franchisee to help make a decision on whether to proceed.