
fragmentation [ˌfræɡmen'teɪʃn]  [ˌfræɡmənˈteʃən, -mɛn-] 

fragmentation 基本解释


fragmentation 网络解释

1. 碎片:M中的哪个区域将安放新的信息块 放置策略(placement policy )失效的信息项只有在出现页面失效(fault)时,才从第二级存储器中取出If 没有设置有效位(V)then 缺页(page fault)碎片(Fragmentation)是由于某种原因,存储空间中的一些区非

2. 断裂:再一次简短地提及灰姑娘或可阐明某些关于内在再现与结构、断裂(fragmentation)与分裂(splitting)等概念. 或许灰姑娘把她的继母视为需索无度而让人不快的人,是一位相处起来让她感觉处处要提防、闷闷不乐甚至郁郁寡欢的坏女人. 另一方面,

3. 分裂:李隆仁在参加DIGITIMES主办的嵌入式技术与应用论坛时表示,MobileLinux产业的头号挑战就是过于分裂(fragmentation),因此很难扩张到足够大量的规模,光是Linux应用架构及中介软体的厂商就有超过25家,独立软体供应商(ISV)也有上百家,

4. fragmentation:frag; 碎片

fragmentation 单语例句

1. But the recent trend has actually been just the opposite, with figures indicating increased fragmentation.

2. fragmentation的翻译

2. Fragmentation between the financial, trading and production system has served the interests of industrialized countries.

3. fragmentation的翻译

3. A succession to Saleh is unclear and the country faces the danger of fragmentation.

4. Two fragmentation grenades blocks apart were used in the attack on a family friendly ceremony marking the start of Mexico's 1810 war of independence.

5. fragmentation的近义词

5. He believes that the number and fragmentation of players involved in today's cities will make it rather difficult to implement truly transformative measures.

6. fragmentation的反义词

6. Despite their political and institutional fragmentation and lack of proper political representation, the Slovenes were able to establish a functioning and integrated national infrastructure.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. There were short and long periods of division and fragmentation, but seeking unification whenever necessary has become China's perennial political instinct.

8. This misinterpretation's possible negative effects will destroy Egyptian people's confidence in their future, and could even lead to the fragmentation of Egyptian society.

9. There are also forces of fragmentation at work that are causing troubles for China.

10. Due to the impact of habitat fragmentation and human activities, the red panda population has plummeted.

fragmentation 英英释义


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1. separating something into fine particles

    Synonym: atomization atomisation

2. the scattering of bomb fragments after the bomb explodes

3. (computer science) the condition of a file that is broken up and stored in many different locations on a magnetic disk

    e.g. fragmentation slows system performance because it takes extra time to locate and assemble the parts of the fragmented file

4. the disintegration of social norms governing behavior and thought and social relationships
