
fragility [frə'dʒɪlətɪ]  [frə'dʒɪlətɪ] 

fragility 基本解释


名词脆弱性; 脆性; 易碎性; 脆弱,虚弱

fragility 网络解释


1. 脆弱:也不会例外.沟通时往往发现他们对OO的理解只是表现出简单的概念理解.对OO的一些原则不甚了解,或者写代码也是跟着感觉走.僵化(Rigidity) 一处变化会影响系统中的很多地方.脆弱(Fragility) 一处变化会影响系

2. 脆弱性:裴宜理试图通过探讨中国哲学家、政治领袖和抗议者对权利概念的伦理学诠释(同时与美国式对权利概念的理解进行比较),对时下在西方甚为流行的关于中国政治秩序脆弱性(fragility)的假设提出一些初步的质疑.

3. 弱:即使轻微的刺激,也容 易引起强烈而短暂的情感反应;不仅 易怒,也包括易喜,易悲等. 不过通 常所谓易激惹是指激动易怒;而易伤 心落泪则称为情感脆弱(fragility). 常 见于瘾症、神经衰弱、躁狂症、甲状 腺功能亢进或器质性精神病.

4. 脆性:fragility脆性 | frame框架 | frameconstruction框架结构

fragility 单语例句

1. Democracy in Thailand has a history of fragility, with the military staging 18 coups since the country became a constitutional monarchy in 1932.

2. Our perspective is that fragility occurs across a kind of continuum, with different circumstances from country to country.

3. fragility的翻译

3. Not only was she this incredibly gorgeous creature, but she had a real fragility about her work that is so touching.

4. When I queried him about my dad's fragility, he hedged and seemed unaware that his head of department had already spoken to us.

5. fragility

5. His words came after the latest weak job data on Friday revived fears of the recovery's fragility.

6. fragility是什么意思

6. Recognizing the value and fragility of this special ecosystem, wildlife officials have converted nearly a third the region into nature reserves.

7. These episodic outcries at the black political vernacular reveal the force and the fragility of King's legacy.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. At that same time, another prisoner's sudden death shocked Lu into recognizing the fragility of human existence.

9. The smoothness and fragility of the meat with the slight addition of the malian grass's flavour will please you completely.

10. Xiao says this gives women the opportunity to forsake their masks of fragility and for men to reveal their emotional side.

fragility 英英释义



1. lack of physical strength

    Synonym: delicacy

2. quality of being easily damaged or destroyed

    Synonym: breakability frangibleness frangibility
