
fou [fu:]  [fu:] 

fou 基本解释
fou 网络解释


1. 缶:彝、卣(you)、累(lei)、缶(fou),都是外形纷歧的盛酒器. 爵,古代喝酒器的总称,作为专名是用来温酒的,下有三足,可升火温酒. 角,口呈两尖角形的喝酒器. 觥(gong),是一种盛酒、喝酒兼用的器具,像一只横放的牛角,长方圈足,有盖,

2. 傻人:fostress 养母 | fou 傻人 | foudroyant 引起敬畏的

fou 单语例句

1. Most friends remember Fou Lei as a tall, lanky and serious man.

2. What makes Fou's Chopin unique is that he linked the pathos of Chopin with the pathos of a rejected Chinese emperor Li Yu.

3. Finally, the Duke of Qin struck a fou with a stick.

4. People take photos of the fou drums and bamboo scrolls used at the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony before an auction yesterday.

5. fou的近义词

5. The concert opened with Jackie Chan beating a " fou, " the Chinese drums used at the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games.

6. " Fou " is an ancient Chinese instrument and was one of the main props used during the opening ceremony of the Games.

7. Fou was born in Shanghai and moved to Europe in 1953 to continue his training at the Warsaw Conservatory.

8. " Fou " drums are ancient instruments made from clay or bronze.
