foster parent

foster parent[ˈfɔstə ˈpɛərənt] 

foster parent 基本解释

foster parent什么意思


foster parent 网络解释

1. 抚养人:同居人 Cohabitant | 抚养人 Foster Parent | 原申请人 Original Applicant

2. 养父或养母:4. adjective 养育的;领养的,寄养的,收养的 | foster parent : 养父或养母 | foster child : 养子;养女

foster parent 单语例句

1. foster parent在线翻译

1. " We think this is a wonderful foster parent, " Skene said.

2. A woman who made a promise to her foster parent, has remained true to her word all these 34 years.

3. Being able to develop in what he calls a " nurturing system " was one of the reasons he decided to become a foster parent.

4. foster parent什么意思

4. The close ties between the Institute and its Chinese parent in Beijing also help foster better cooperation.

foster parent 英英释义

foster parent的反义词


1. a person who acts as parent and guardian for a child in place of the child's natural parents but without legally adopting the child

    Synonym: foster-parent
