
forward-looking [ˈfɔ:wədˌlʊkɪŋ]  [ˈfɔrwədˌlʊkɪŋ] 

forward-looking 基本解释


forward-looking 网络解释

1. 进取:Financial institutions 金融机构 | Forward-looking 进取 | Gross National Product 国民生产总值

2. 有远见的, 向前看的:dorsal gill 背鳃 | forward-looking 有远见的, 向前看的 | extended interface 扩充接口

3. 有远见的 progressive 进步的:148 forage 喂草料 feed 喂食 | 149 forward-looking 有远见的 progressive 进步的 | 150 frame 给...设框 pose 使摆放姿势

4. 有远见的:forward 早的 | forward-looking 有远见的 | forwarder 代运人

forward-looking 词典解释

1. forward-looking

1. 有远见的;向前看的;进步的
    If you describe a person or organization as forward-looking, you approve of the fact that they think about the future or have modern ideas.

    e.g. ...the need for the party to be forward-looking, to identify with changing attitudes among voters.

forward-looking 英英释义


1. ahead of the times

    e.g. the advanced teaching methods
           had advanced views on the subject
           a forward-looking corporation
           is British industry innovative enough?

    Synonym: advanced innovative modern
