1. Wilt thou say then that I have forgathered with a man of low condition?
2. So, Jane eyre, be they forgathered in the long-awaited first cooperation.
3. It was in this region that Daguenet and Georges forgathered more warmly than ever while smilingly gazing at Nana.
4. Among that public, peculiar to first nights and never subject to change, there were little subsections composed of intimate friends, who smilingly forgathered again.
5. Wherein'twould seem that thou, following rather the opinion of the vulgar than the dictates of truth, find cause to chide me more severely than in my sinful love, for, as if thou wouldst not have been vexed, had my choice fallen on a nobleman, thou complainest that I have forgathered with a man of low condition; and dost not see that therein thou censurest not my fault but that of Fortune, which not seldom raises the unworthy to high place and leaves the worthiest in low estate.