
foresail [ˈfɔ:seɪl]  [ˈfɔ:rseɪl] 

foresail 基本解释


foresail 网络解释

1. 前帆:此外,一或两片可拆卸的的辅助帆(bon)常常也搭在主帆下端,当风速太高时可以移除第三支桅杆前桅(foremast)与前帆(foresail)的发展首先是为了作为操舵的辅助,甚於其本身作为一个推进的单元.

2. 前桅帆:第三根桅杆,即前桅(foremast)与前桅帆(foresail)的出现最早更多的是为了帮助操船,而非仅仅是增加推进力. 但后来前桅及前桅帆的大小都逐渐增加,变得和主桅一样拥有全套帆具. 斜桅帆(spritsail)也出现了,系(bend)在船艏斜桅上的帆桁上.

3. 前桅的大帆:foresaid 上述的 | foresail 前桅的大帆 | foresee 预见

4. 前桅的大帆 (名):forerunner 先驱 (名) | foresail 前桅的大帆 (名) | foresee 预见; 预知 (动)

foresail 双语例句

1. John Bunsby, master, at length gave the order to start, and the `Tankadere', taking the wind under her brigantine, foresail and standing-jib, bounded briskly forward over the waves.

2. Her two masts leaned a trifle backward; she carried brigantine, foresail, storm-jib and standing-jib, and was well rigged for running before the wind

3. We shall break out the jib and the foresail, the white houses on the harbour side will glide slowly past us as she gathers steering-way, and the voyage will have begun!

4. And casting off the anchors, they left them in the sea, at the same time loosening the bands of the rudders; and hoisting the foresail to the blowing of the wind, they held course for the beach.
    27:40 於是把锚丢弃在海里,同时松开舵绳,拉起前帆,顺著风向岸驶去。

5. Rigging and fitting my Mast and Sails; for I finish'd them very compleat, making a small Stay, and a Sail, or Foresail to it, to assist, if we should turn to Windward; and which was more than all, I fix'd a Rudder to the Stern of her, to steer with; and though I was but a bungling Shipwright, yet as I knew the Usefulness, and even Necessity of such a Thing, I apply'd my self with so much Pains to do it, that at last I brought it to pass; though considering the many dull Contrivances I had for it that sail'd, I think it cost me almost as much Labour as making the Boat.

6. Acts 27:40 And casting off the anchors, they left them in the sea, at the same time loosening the bands of the rudders; and hoisting the foresail to the blowing of the wind, they held course for the beach.
    徒二七40 于是把锚丢弃在海里,同时松开舵绳,拉起前帆,顺著风向岸驶去。

foresail 英英释义



1. foresail是什么意思

1. the lowest sail on the foremast of a square-rigged vessel
