forbidden area

forbidden area [fəˈbɪdn ˈɛəriə]  [fɚˈbɪdn: ˈɛriə] 

forbidden area 基本解释
forbidden area 网络解释

1. 不可侵洞窟:地下深殿 Underground Cemetery | 不可侵洞窟 Forbidden Area | 煉獄鬪技場 The Arena

2. 禁地:forbidden 禁用 | forbidden area 禁地 | forbidden band 禁带

3. 入侵偵測:2. 移動偵測 Motion Detection | 3. 入侵偵測 Forbidden Area | 4. 物件計數 Object Counting

forbidden area 单语例句

1. Traffic authorities said private cab trades will be forbidden to avoid further speculation of the cab prices in the area.

2. Fowl trade and private slaughtering were forbidden in all the markets within a 10 km radius of the affected area.

3. Flights used to be few because Tibet was regarded as " a forbidden area for flight ".

4. A walk along the area's commercial street is a must, a site nearly as popular as the Forbidden City and Great Wall.
