
forbearance [fɔ:ˈbeərəns]  [fɔ:rˈberəns] 

forbearance 基本解释


forbearance 相关例句



1. You must treat the child with forbearance.

forbearance 网络解释


1. 忍耐:恒久忍耐(forbearance)是在遭遇对方顶撞或伤害时,能够控制自己的脾气而不会立刻暴跳如雷或直接反击,其目的是积极的给予对方创造出救赎挽回的时空. 这种恒久忍耐著重於受顶撞或受伤害者的自我约束,对於顶撞者或施害者不一定会有积极正面的影响.

2. 政策寬容:Footlose imputs 无地缘限制的要素投入 | Forbearance 政策宽容 | Force majeur 不可抗力

3. 自制:Forbearance is no acquittance 缓期不等于作罢 | forbearance 自制 | forbearing 忍耐的

forbearance 词典解释

1. forbearance

1. 忍耐;克制
    If you say that someone has shown forbearance, you admire them for behaving in a calm and sensible way about something that they have a right to be very upset or angry about.

    e.g. All the Greenpeace people behaved with impressive forbearance and dignity.

forbearance 单语例句

1. The Chinese government exercised great forbearance, ridiculing the fact that Australia still clung to a " Cold War mentality ".

2. forbearance的反义词

2. Still, this is the commendable spirit of harmony and the whole country owes them forbearance.

3. forbearance

3. Dvorkin said Falun Gong was not able to practice " truthfulness ", " benevolence " and " forbearance ".

4. The official also thanked Beijing for showing " remarkable forbearance and accommodation " toward the Filipinos slapped with drug smuggling charges.

5. " We thank our riders for their patience and forbearance, " said union local president Roger Toussaint.

6. forbearance的意思

6. But Manila is living in a fantasy world if it mistakes our forbearance for timidity.


7. China has shown enough forbearance, it will keep Japan company and fight to the finish.

8. " We thank our riders for their patience and forbearance, " Transport Workers Union Local 100 President Roger Toussaint said.

forbearance 英英释义


1. forbearance的翻译

1. a delay in enforcing rights or claims or privileges
    refraining from acting

    e.g. his forbearance to reply was alarming

2. forbearance的意思

2. good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence

    Synonym: patience longanimity
