
foray [ˈfɒreɪ]  [ˈfɔ:reɪ]






foray 基本解释


名词突袭; 侵略; 冒险



foray 网络解释


1. 突袭:肉汤倒过来是悸动 (throb) 爱得痛了(agony),痛得哭了(sob),哭得清醒了(sober),看见妹妹又阴郁了(somber) 不要光线要争吵(fray),去掉争吵要付出(defray),争吵加 O 是突袭(foray),或者变 L 是剥皮 (flay) 由他里面开始吃(initiate),

2. 劫掠:forane 远处的 | foray 劫掠 | forb n草本植物

3. 突然袭击:flush out 驱赶出来 | foray 突然袭击 | frustrate 挫败

4. 侵略:forasmuch /懂./所以/因为/ | foray /侵略/ | forbear /节制/控制/谨慎抑制/忍受/忍耐/容忍/

foray 词典解释

1. 初次尝试;涉足
    If you make a foray into a new or unfamiliar type of activity, you start to become involved in it.

    e.g. Emporio Armani, the Italian fashion house, has made a discreet foray into furnishings.
    e.g. ...her first forays into politics.

2. 短暂旅行;闪电造访
    You can refer to a short journey that you make as a foray if it seems to involve excitement or risk, for example because it is to an unfamiliar place or because you are looking for a particular thing.

    e.g. Most guests make at least one foray into the town...
    e.g. A foray to your supermarket will supply all the ready-made foods for an excellent picnic.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 突袭;闪电式袭击
    If a group of soldiers make a foray into enemy territory, they make a quick attack there, and then return to their own territory.

    e.g. These base camps were used by the PKK guerrillas to make forays into Turkey.

foray 单语例句

1. Dong Fang Documentary Channel's potential foray into Hong Kong would be the start of the channel's expansion strategy from the mainland.

2. That led to his first overseas real estate foray in New York City.

3. Export credit insurance is playing an increasingly important role in Chinese exports as more local firms foray into overseas markets.

4. HSBC made a foray into the cutthroat residential mortgage market by lowering its mortgage rate yesterday.

5. That marked the company's first and only foray into domestic oil exploration.

6. foray

6. The actress has already planned an erotic plot for her first foray into literature, and can't wait for the work to be in bookshops.

7. foray

7. Their foray had apparently caught the fancy of many other Wenzhou manufacturers, enriched by years of booming export trade.

8. The firm last year won an order to supply mobile phones to Taiwan Province and has made its first foray into the Vietnam market.

9. Li wants to make a foray into the European market, too.

10. foray的意思

10. The huge potential has even attracted firms that usually only reach customers through traditional retail channels to make a foray into the market.

foray 英英释义


1. an initial attempt (especially outside your usual areas of competence)

    e.g. scientists' forays into politics

2. foray

2. a sudden short attack

    Synonym: raid maraud


1. briefly enter enemy territory

2. steal goods
    take as spoils

    e.g. During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners

    Synonym: plunder despoil loot reave strip rifle ransack pillage
