for the moment

for the moment[fɔ: ðə ˈməumənt] 

for the moment 基本解释

for the moment

暂时,目前; 聊且

for the moment 相关例句


1. Stop arguing for the moment.

for the moment 网络解释

1. 暂时,目前:at ease不拘束 | fall away背离 | for the moment暂时,目前

2. 现在,暂时:for a moment 片刻,一会儿 | for the moment 现在,暂时 | in a moment 立刻,马上

3. 暂时:for free免费 | for the moment暂时 | be famous for因......而著名

4. 目前,暂时:take a chance碰运气, 抓住机会 | for the moment目前,暂时 | be immune to ...对...有免疫力

for the moment 单语例句

1. for the moment什么意思

1. For a brief moment I pause and watch the bustle of the artisans on the roadside.

2. But it's impossible for a commercial bank to buy into a US brokerage at the moment.

3. Zhang said the activity will go on for an unknown length of time and they have no plans to charge at the moment.

4. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC did not give further details at the moment.

5. He sprayed champagne like a seasoned veteran and it was clearly the moment that the team had been waiting for.

6. for the moment的意思

6. For the moment, both the two ports are strictly following their plans by charting IPOs and venturing overseas.

7. Libyan rebels said Saturday night that the final moment has come for the battle of Tripoli to topple Gaddafi.

8. for the moment的翻译

8. Stricter regulations may slow the growth of property loans for the moment, but commercial banks can benefit more in the long run from their vigilance with credit.

9. If commonality of trends counts for anything, then Africa's emerging moment is on the same tangent as China's.

10. for the moment

10. He says he will often put aside the telephone for a moment or two in stressful situations and take two minutes to compose himself.

for the moment 英英释义



1. temporarily

    e.g. we'll stop for the time being

    Synonym: for the time being
