for good measure

for good measure [fɔ: ɡud ˈmeʒə]  [fɔr ɡʊd ˈmɛʒɚ] 

for good measure 基本解释


for good measure 网络解释

1. 作为额外增添:for good and all 永久地 | for good measure 作为额外增添 | for good or for evil 不论好坏

2. 另外:measure up 合格;符合标准 | for good measure 另外; | beyond measure 无可估量;极度;

3. 作为外加的东西;另外:475foolproofa. 极简单的; n. 极简单 | 476for good measure作为外加的东西;另外 | 477for one举个例说

4. 作为额外的添头; 另外, 为了保险起见, 额外的, 外加:fill (up) the measure of 使(邪恶、不幸等)达到极点; 更(不幸)的是... | for good measure 作为额外的添头; 另外, 为了保险起见, 额外的, 外加 | give short measure 短少分量; [喻]不能满足要求

for good measure 单语例句

1. Most designers worked in a somber palette of black and charcoal, with some oatmeal thrown in for good measure.

2. For good measure, a pendant of a hot pepper dangles from the front.

3. He also might slip in a few old Chinese sayings for good measure, thanks to his passion for the language and appreciation of the culture.

4. Light a couple of lanterns and string them up in the courtyard or balcony for good measure.

5. Mourinho won the league title in both his seasons at Inter and then added the Champions League and Coppa Italia last term for good measure.

6. The Afghan government often comes in for a good measure of blame from ordinary Afghans for failing to prevent the bloodshed.

7. One measure by the district government calls for a special leadership team to build good discipline among public servants.

for good measure 英英释义


1. in addition (as to close a deal)

    e.g. the car salesman threw in the radio, for good measure
