follow slavishly

follow slavishly

follow slavishly 双语例句

1. Of course, there's nothing forcing you to slavishly follow this methodology.

2. To ape is to follow another's lead slavishly but often with an absurd result
    ape 是奴隶似的仿照别人的指导,但经常产生荒唐的结果

3. Ofcourse, there's nothing forcing you to slavishly follow thismethodology.

4. Similarly, a pillar based on monetary analysis calls for central banks to consider the outcome of their decisions within a longer-term context; to take due account of past experience and insights accumulated over time; and not to follow too slavishly the latest analytical techniques.

5. The Kyoto protocol was a flawed treaty, and if negotiators continue to follow its precepts too slavishly, the world risks ending up with a diplomatic train-wreck.

6. Do not follow the original text slavishly.

7. As such, local banks have little choice but to slavishly follow US interest rate movements.

8. If people follow this authority as slavishly as he would wish, the results could be terrible famines, diseases, and wars, caused by overcrowding.
