
folding [ˈfəʊldɪŋ]  [ˈfoʊldɪŋ] 






folding 基本解释



动词折叠,对折交叠( fold的现在分词 ); 包围; 包起; 笼罩

folding 网络解释

1. 褶皱:而矿物群的种类、晶粒大小与组成结构取决于原岩与围岩种类、变质相程度、化学与热水溶液等条件,再加以变质作用的压力因素,常导致矿物具有优势方向(PreferredOrientation),具排列特性或是矿物分层,分带现象,甚至导致具褶皱(Folding)流动性构造.

2. 折边弯曲加工:flanging 凸缘加工 | folding 折边弯曲加工 | folding 摺叠加工

folding 单语例句

1. The club angrily denied the charge and a bitter legal battle ensued to try to keep Catania from folding.

2. folding的解释

2. Form a cone by folding the bamboo leaf in the middle so that you are holding both ends in one hand.

3. Folding screens used as room dividers was constructed from several panels attached to each other.

4. The graduates of these schools are forbidden to share their knowledge with foreigners, on pain of having their folding fingers twisted like dough!

5. The government should therefore watch out for the SMEs and provide assistance if necessary to prevent them from folding or downsizing en masse.

6. Within some folding and cutting by artist Liu Ren, an expressionless piece of paper can almost roar at you.

7. folding的翻译

7. If it's a hard suitcase pack flat, folding jackets or coats in half lengthwise with the lining facing outwards.

8. folding是什么意思

8. After folding and unfolding, everyone ends up with a paper rose.

9. Ho appealed consumers to be more vigilant when buying folding tables and choose sturdy items with reliable safety locks.

10. Anyone who has purchased the furniture at the local IKEA outlet can return to the store for safety covers to fit over the folding mechanism.

folding 英英释义



1. folding

1. the act of folding

    e.g. he gave the napkins a double fold

    Synonym: fold

2. a geological process that causes a bend in a stratum of rock

    Synonym: fold

3. folding什么意思

3. the process whereby a protein molecule assumes its intricate three-dimensional shape

    e.g. understanding protein folding is the next step in deciphering the genetic code

    Synonym: protein folding
