focal point

focal point [ˈfəʊkəl pɔint]  [ˈfokəl pɔɪnt] 

第三人称复数:focal points

focal point 基本解释
focal point 网络解释

1. 协调中心:日本投资与技术促进处(ITPO)已确认将向日本企业推介展会. 法国SPX 协调中心(Focal Point)有针对性地向欧洲相关的100多家协会及60多家企业推广展会,有意参会的法国RENCAST公司等已经与SPX建立了直接联系.

2. 联络点; 焦点:foaming-blowing agent 发泡剂 | focal point 联络点; 焦点 | fogging 成雾; 喷雾

3. (光学)焦点:flywheel rim 飞轮轮缘[齿圈] | focal point (光学)焦点 | fog tail light 后雾灯

focal point 词典解释

1. 焦点;(关注)中心
    The focal point of something is the thing that people concentrate on or pay most attention to.

    e.g. ...the focal point for the town's many visitors—the Royal Shakespeare Theatre.

focal point 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Prevention and control of industrial pollution is the focal point of China's environmental protection endeavors.

2. The lakes create a focal point for the many eateries that surround them.

3. Technological upgrading must be a focal point of the investment since it will decide costs and ultimately the price of the final products being sold.

4. Wuhan is the focal point of the Rise of Central China strategy.

5. She became a focal point of the scandal after photos of her surfaced, including one that showed her smiling and posing with nude prisoners stacked in a pyramid.

6. China's top policy makers have said curbing the trade surplus will be a focal point for the country's economic endeavors this year.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. The iconic square has become a focal point for protests triggered after the death of two protesters earlier this week.

8. The pace of bank lending is a focal point in China's monetary policy as it is used by China to manage economic growth and inflation.

9. focal point的反义词

9. Taiwan authorities have made economic policies their focal point as the island's people struggle with high levels of unemployment and inflation.

10. focal point的翻译

10. The HKSAR government and the financial industry have made it a focal point of securities market expansion to trade RMB securities in Hong Kong.

focal point 英英释义


1. the concentration of attention or energy on something

    e.g. the focus of activity shifted to molecular biology
           he had no direction in his life

    Synonym: focus focusing focussing direction centering

2. a point of convergence of light (or other radiation) or a point from which it diverges

    Synonym: focus

3. a central point or locus of an infection in an organism

    e.g. the focus of infection

    Synonym: focus nidus
