fly over

fly over [flai ˈəuvə]  [flai ˈovɚ] 

fly over 基本解释

飞过; 飞到另一个地方去

fly over 网络解释

1. 飘扬:fly out 冲出 | fly over 飘扬 | fly past 飞机飞过

2. 飞过:5. lose one's job 下岗;丢了工作 | 6. fly over 飞过 | 7. look like 看起来像......

3. 过就感到恐惧:25. 我现在甚至听见一架飞机在头顶飞 I even get frightened when I hear a plane | 过就感到恐惧. fly over. | 26. 警方还没有排除贾斯廷被外星人劫 Police have not ruled out the possibility that

4. 从远处飞过来:over come over 从远处走过来 | fly over 从远处飞过来 | pull pull out 拔掉,拔出;使车辆、船等等驶出、滑出

fly over 单语例句

1. He was expected to fly to the capital city of Damascus Saturday after an Arab conference over the Syrian issue in Egypt.

2. " Victory over Saudi Arabia will give the Carthage Eagles wings to fly even higher, " said former player Nabil Kouki.

3. Occasionally there is a ripple in the crowd as the cowboy swagger boils over and punches fly in the closely packed stadium.

4. The rebels often fire on government helicopters that fly over territory under rebel control, but Castellanos said this likely wasn't the case in Thursday's crash.

5. Not all of the nation's Olympic heroes fly over hurdles, snatch gold from a table tennis rally or somersault from diving boards.

6. The program uses crop duster planes to fly over drug fields and spray the plants with herbicide.

7. Airliners that fail to place marshals on board flights when notified may be refused government permission to land or fly over the United States.

8. fly over

8. Airliners that fail to place marshals onboard flights when notified may be refused government permission to land or fly over the United States.

9. The action revolves around a Hollywood press junket and critics complained the jokes would fly over the heads of anyone not steeped in Hollywood minutiae.

10. You'll have to fly from mainland Australia or ferry over, but once you're at this island you'll appreciate the effort.
