





flustered 基本解释
慌张的;激动不安的;使慌乱,使不安( fluster的过去式和过去分词);
flustered 网络解释

1. 急:I'm a little flustered right now. I have to be to work in eight minutes.|我现在有点急,我必须在八分钟内赶到公司 | Flustered?|急? | Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa, man!|哇!哇!哇!哇!老兄!

2. 慌忙的,狼狈的:At a wake葬礼前后的守灵,守夜 | Flustered 慌忙的,狼狈的 | Scrubber 刷子

3. 慌乱:fearful 可怕的 | flustered 慌乱 | forlorn 被遗弃的,孤苦零丁的

4. 心慌:咳嗽 Cough | 心慌 Flustered | 气短 Shortness of breath

flustered 单语例句

1. Flustered employees were forced to holler out names like butchers calling out numbers for the next in line.

2. The train was passing through Changsha in Hunan province when two train cops noticed a flustered man hiding in the toilet.

3. To appear agitated and flustered and even angry while trying to answer a question that has no substance will not help clarify the truth.

4. Every time she went down by a hundred or two, she grew more flustered and indignant - or at least she acted that way.

5. flustered

5. As Zhang was handing over his cell phone and other valuables, he noticed the man behind getting flustered because he couldn't open the door.

6. China's Yao Ming was limping slightly and clearly flustered after enduring a game full of Lithuanian double and triple teams.

7. Flustered critics of Beijing's Olympic preparations are echoing the same nonsensical alarm.

8. Plus I walked into the restaurant all flustered and in a bad mood.

9. flustered的意思

9. The chicken can be prepared ahead so you can host your guests without getting flustered in the kitchen.

10. The flustered Brady is a wreck in the second half, and the Carolina Panthers cruise to a surprise victory.

flustered 英英释义


1. flustered的近义词

1. thrown into a state of agitated confusion
    (`rattled' is an informal term)

    Synonym: hot and bothered(p) perturbed rattled
