
flown [fləʊn]  [floʊn] 








flown 基本解释


动词飞行; 飞( fly的过去分词 ); (旗)飘荡; 过得快

flown 相关例句



1. The day has simply flown by without any results.

flown 情景对话



A:Good morning, sir, where are you going?

B:I’m going to England by flight B.E.987.
      我乘英国国际航空公司987 航班去英国。

A:When is your flight?

B:!0:00 a.m. When am I supposed to check in?
      上午10 点钟,我应什么时候办理登机手续?

A:We are checking in. May I have your ticket? And your health certificate and your luggage, please.

B:Here you are.

A:Are you keeping this small bags as carry-on luggage, sir?


A:You must weight that as well.

B:All right.

A:Your luggage is two pounds over, I am afraid there’ll be an excess luggage charge, sir.
      先生,您的行李超重2 磅,您得付超重费了。

B:How much must I pay?

A:It’s 10 yuan.
      应该是10 元。

B:Here you are.

A:This your luggage check (ticket) which you must show when you disembark at your destnation, and here is your boarding pass and your ticket.


A:Now please wait until your flight is called. There are about twenty-five minutes to go.
      您等着您的航班呼叫好吗?大约还有25 分钟就要呼叫了。

B:I’m a little nervous. I have never flown before.

A:There is nothing at all to worry about. Once you’re in the air, it’s just like sitting in your own living room. It’s going to be a very pleasant flight.

flown 网络解释

1. 飞:flown line 流线 | flown 飞 | Floyd 佛洛伊德

2. 流 v.流动:weathern.天气 | 18.flown.流 v.流动 | Thedoctorstoppedtheflowofblood.(医生把血止住了. )

3. 第三节中:其中第一节中alone, gone;nigh,sigh; | 第二节中stem,sleeping,them;scatter,bed,dead; | 第三节中decay,away;flown,alone;

4. 刚出巢的:run-down 破旧的 | flown 刚出巢的 | shanty town 棚户区

flown 词典解释


flown 单语例句

1. Flown by air from Myanmar, these crabs differ from Chinese ones in that their shells are thinner and more meatier.

2. Palestinian Cabinet Minister Saeb Erekat confirmed that when Arafat dies, his body would be flown first to Cairo for services before being taken to Ramallah.

3. She also underwent three major surgeries and suffered a cardiac arrest before being flown to Singapore.

4. flown的反义词

4. Jason Steadman was flown to the University of Virginia Medical Center, where he remained Monday in stable condition.

5. They were expected to be flown back to Beijing by a chartered plane on Saturday, according to reports.

6. An estimated 200 others were flown to the Mediterranean island on giant Chinook transport helicopters.

7. The US rarely confirms or denies involvement in strikes inside Pakistan, which are believed to be carried out mainly by unmanned CIA drones flown from Afghanistan.

8. Russia said it had set up a commission to investigate the Finnish claims, but an official insisted the aircraft had flown over neutral territory.

9. The agency will conduct a full examination of the maintenance of one plane of each aircraft type flown by Qantas.

10. The pack of homeless dogs flown to the US for adoption have wasted little time in wooing prospective new owners Stateside.
