
flowing ['fləʊɪŋ]  ['floʊɪŋ] 






flowing 基本解释


形容词流动的, (轮廓等)圆滑的,下垂的

动词流出; 流( flow的现在分词 ); 垂; (谈话、文体等)流畅

flowing 网络解释


1. 流动:据说这首歌伤感能杀死人,让人象迷失在神秘的丛林里 流动(Flowing) 很熟悉很亲切的悠扬音乐...... 给母亲的信(LETTRE A MA MERE) 曲如其名,很好地展现了亲情和思念之情. 选自理查德的<<钢琴曲精彩现场>>.

2. 排液:flowing well 自喷井 | flowing 排液 | flowline bend 出油管弯管

3. 流动的:flowery 多花的 | flowing 流动的 | flowmeter 流量计

4. 流:6 鞋 Shoes | 7 流 Flowing | 8 乌鸦与狐狸 A Crow and a Fox

flowing 单语例句

1. flowing在线翻译

1. The patterns on the cliff were formed by the effects of flowing lava thousands of years ago.

2. A valley that cuts through the crater's rim could have been caused by water flowing out.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. Pearl Shoal is a wide, gently sloping area of active calcareous tufa covered with a thin sheet of flowing water.

4. TV showed floodwater flowing into the canal as villagers tried to repair an embankment with improvised sandbags.

5. In the flickering candlelight, a faintly sad atmosphere is flowing in the air.

6. danci.911chaxun.com

6. " There will be more capital such as insurance funds flowing into the stock market then, " he added.

7. Such enterprises are believed to be possible entrepot for speculative capital flowing into China to seek gains as the yuan appreciates.

8. While China did decide to allow the RMB to appreciate gradually after that, it has relied on capital controls to prevent hot money from flowing in.

9. Capital has been flowing into Asia on optimism about the region's economic recovery, as well as expectations that the Chinese yuan will continue to appreciate.

10. Of the capital flowing into the stock market, an overwhelmingly large proportion belongs to individuals.

flowing 英英释义



1. flowing在线翻译

1. the motion characteristic of fluids (liquids or gases)

    Synonym: flow


1. flowing的意思

1. designed or arranged to offer the least resistant to fluid flow

    e.g. a streamlined convertible

    Synonym: streamlined aerodynamic sleek
