1. 花盆:第1篇: 我的家人都很喜欢花花草草,所以在后花园中,可以看到许多大的花盆(flowerpot),客厅的墙角,也有很多的花瓶(flower vase). 另外在我家的餐桌的正中央,则有插著一朵玫瑰花的小花瓶(bud vest). 母亲节(Mother's Day)快到了,
2. 花盆/花钵:flowerlike /象花的/ | flowerpot /花盆/花钵/ | flowing /流动的/
3. 花盆(塑料):鞭炮 FIRECRACKERS | 花盆(塑料) FLOWERPOT 39264000 | 花瓶(玻璃) GLASS VASE 70139900
4. 喇叭皮带线盆 大海棠盆:flowerpekoe 白毫 | flowerpot 喇叭皮带线盆 大海棠盆 | flowerpotbellshape 复线金钟盆
1. 花盆;花钵
A flowerpot is a container that is used for growing plants.
1. They are placed to resemble a clump of real flowers, as they would grow in an actual flowerpot.
2. Dip melon seeds in nutritious liquid for a whole night, plant it in a flowerpot the next day and then leave it in the sun.
3. flowerpot
3. When Woodward wanted a meeting, he would position an empty flowerpot containing a red flag on his apartment balcony.
4. Citizens elbowed their way through the crowds to take pictures in front of a giant flowerpot and colorful floats on the square.
5. He said he signaled Felt using a small red flag in an empty flowerpot on his apartment balcony.
1. a container in which plants are cultivated
Synonym: pot