
flout [flaʊt]  [flaʊt] 







flout 基本解释

名词轻视; 嘲笑; 愚弄

及物动词藐视; 嘲笑; 愚弄


flout 相关例句



1. He flouted his mother's advice.

flout 网络解释

1. 嘲笑:这些姑姑自然对外面(out)的小苍蝇进行了无情的嘲笑(flout),这让小苍蝇很不爽,于是他按住一根圆木(log),把它往死里鞭打(flog)了一顿,圆木在下面(under)往死挣扎(flunder),眼睛都哭肿(ee)了,可算是逃了(flee)了出来.

2. 藐视:flounce 暴跳 | flout 藐视 | flow chart 流程图

3. 轻视:floury 粉状的 | flout 轻视 | flow chart 流程图

flout 词典解释

1. 无视,藐视,轻视(法律等)
    If you flout something such as a law, an order, or an accepted way of behaving, you deliberately do not obey it or follow it.

    e.g. ...illegal campers who persist in flouting the law...
    e.g. Building regulations have been habitually flouted.

flout 单语例句

1. flout的翻译

1. The Beijing traffic management bureau has not given details of what penalties will be faced by those who flout the rule.

2. When some officials flout laws and regulations of the State, a short message will not make them change their attitude and behave.

3. The lack of a proper punishment mechanism for local departments and officials that flout public rules is also to blame for the controversy.

4. Liang noted that overuse of antibiotics is common in China as dairy farmers flout dosage regulations.

5. Rights group Amnesty International said last week the rules " flout international human rights law and standards ".

6. The Chinese government has pledged 3 billion yuan to improve safety and it has arrested mine owners who run illegal pits or flout regulations.

7. flout什么意思

7. Surprise checks by local governments regarding work safety are sorely needed to instill fear in those employers who openly flout the rules.

8. Those who flout the regulations and insist on living outside the college walls will be punished or even thrown out of their educational institution.

9. flout的解释

9. Terrorist attacks flout human and moral values, undermining the cherished freedoms that define our way of life.

10. flout的意思

10. In such circumstances, the rules lose their sanctity and more and more people dare flout them.

flout 英英释义



1. treat with contemptuous disregard

    e.g. flout the rules

    Synonym: scoff

2. laugh at with contempt and derision

    e.g. The crowd jeered at the speaker

    Synonym: jeer scoff barrack gibe
